
Practices of Retreat in the Day to Day

Greetings dear hearts~ 

The next new moon monthly gathering is just in a few days, this upcoming Monday August 9! I hope you can join.

I am very happy to be back home in Santa Barbara as of a few days ago after a much needed and wonderful retreat in Hawaii. Had a beautiful ocean swim yesterday to bring myself here, and was pleasantly surprised at my enjoyment. So different from the divinely warm clear turquoise waters and swimming with sea turtles of the islands, and yet, so amazing. I apologize for the late cancellation notice last month. I optimistically thought I would be able to host the call while on retreat, and it turned out, retreat meant retreat. Again, happy to be back home and resuming some rhythm, finding the practices of retreat, in the day to day. One of those being our monthly calls.

It has been nourishing to meet over the past months... to water our dreams, shed our tears, regulate our bodies, open our hearts, inspire our imagination, grow our trust, share our voice, find our way. We have been meeting virtually on/and or near the new moon since the beginning of the year and will continue to do so through the end of the year. Registration link and remaining 2021 dates below.

The August meeting is the last in the summer series and with the new season as we enter autumn, there are a few new changes.

  • The gatherings have been quite intimate, which has been deep and powerful, and in the spirit of new, I am calling in more practice time, as well as more people. If you have considered coming, and haven't yet, now is the time! And if you have not come for a while, perhaps it is time to show up again. I know... more screen time... arg. And yet, you are free to close your eyes, be in your own space, call in by phone, lay down, etc. as we all find our way.

  • Up until now these gatherings have been primarily for women. Starting next month I will open them to include anyone who would like to come. I imagine I will still only send this monthly email to this small group of women, you here, so it might be that not much changes, but we will see who shows up!!!

  • I have offered this space free of charge. I love being able to do that, as community is a birth rite. However, I now invite folks to make a donation in the spirit of gift exchange. This is not mandatory, but a way to be in reciprocity with whatever feels doable and joyful in your heart to give. Right now, the platforms I have set up are Paypal and Venmo - both @AlexisSlutzky.

If you have inspirations or suggestions for how to enrich this space and open it up to more folks, please let me know.

Also, I am offering an intimate daylong nature retreat on August 14 for local women. Follow this link for more information and to register by August 9, and also feel free to email me with questions. Spaces filling.

Zoom registration link for August 9, 6-8PM PT meeting. 

with wild beauty blessings, 


Remaining 2021 dates:

Monday evenings 6-8PM PT 

September 6

October 4

November 8

December 6

2021 New Moon Monthly Virtual Gatherings

Monday evenings from 6-8PM PT 2021

Sept 6, Oct 4, Nov 8, Dec 6

Join me and others on or around the new moon each month for a collective field of support and inspiration, communion and connection, in the virtual presence of each other.

With the energy of the new moon, we listen together to what we are each and all calling forth, and that which is naturally coming into being. Each month there is a theme and connective practices and invitations to deepen into throughout the month. This is an emergent space - where we engage meditation, poetry, context, journaling and heartfelt sharing and respectful listening.

There is no requirement to commit to all the dates. 

All welcome.