I Need Your Eyes To See Myself

There are too many dark places

which in their darkness

provide the fertile wisdom which gives birth to and contains,

dances with the light of clear seeing.

Needing each other, like the ocean needs the shore,

the day needs night, space needs form.

This love feeds the invisibles.

And the darkness pulls me towards it, to devour me in ecstasy.

I resist, yet know it is what offers me the remembering I have sought for so long.

It is toward this dark remembering I turn and face and dance.

My dark dance of remembering.

Will you watch me? How the edges of my mouth curve, how my feet caress the earth, how the fury in my gut sends flames through my hands?

I need your eyes to see myself.

Please don’t turn away.

Help me defeat the forgetting by dancing with it, embracing it, embodying it…