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Awakening Earth Series: Hearing the Cries of the World

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Hearing the Cries of the World

Awakening Earth Series — honoring the call of service and community

When Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thich Naht Hanh was asked by a student… What can we do to save our world? he replied, “What we most need to do, is to hear within us the sound of the earth crying.” Contrary to our misguided perceptions, acknowledging our pain for the world often connects us to a larger sense of ourselves and deepens a sense of solidarity and connection with others. This strengthens our courage to act on behalf of the earth, knowing we belong and can serve life by allowing it to move through us. The crisis we are in is predominantly a spiritual crisis and one of view; climate change, species loss, social and political injustices, betrayal of human rights all stem from a fundamental sense and view of separation. Recovering our sense of the sacred through the sacredness of our own broken hearts is part of the essential awakening.

Come together to unite in a shared context of our love for the world and common care for people and planet, to build connection and courage for bringing forth what is most alive in us in response to a world in need of repair. We all have unique gifts to share, as well as obstacles that often prevent us from our natural and full expression. We need community and containment to see and be seen and explore our basic humanity in these times.

This is a 4 month series, once a month, come to one or preferably all for a sequential arc of deepening

We will engage our love and heartbreak, questions of purpose and participation, and simple practices to listen to ourselves and each other. The theme will vary each month and the form will remain more or less the same.

To register click here. 

4 Workshops in the series
June: The Heart Broken Open
July: Belonging and the Trance of Separation
Aug: Hearing the Cries of the World
Sept: Resiliency, Courage and Sharing Our Gifts

Image by steve felberg from Pixabay